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Planning for next year. Mood board and plan for a meditteranean courtyard
Planting plan and mood board for meditteranean style courtyard garden

Adding colour to a garden layout plan with coffee on a cold morning
Finishing a garden design in the warm!

Planting plan, plant list and images to help first time gardeners
For low maintenance, child friendly garden

Frozen winter seedheads and grasses shimmering in the frost, Shrewsbury_edited_edited
Grasses left standing over the winter provide shelter for wildlife, and beauty

Dog smelling an early daffodil on a grassy bank on a spring morning
Narcissus pseudonarcissus, Shropshire garden

Species Tulip 'Turkestanica' with egg-yolk coloured centres, and creamy star shaped petals
Growing in polytunnel, south Shropshire March to May

Seedlings soon to be planted out, growing in modules
Vegetables and flowers are easy to grow from seed

Small brown speckled butterfly, feeding on a blue thistle
Shrewsbury garden in July

Early summer border in Shropshire with Lupins, Peonies and Poppies in purples and pinks
Lupins and Papaver somniferum
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